Etsy is the place where you can buy handmade items, which are very popular among people. As we know that the quality of handmade items is much better than those made in factory, so we can easily purchase the items at a lower price.
But the problem is that people can’t afford buying the expensive items from Etsy. So, I want to tell you that you can ship your own items to any part of the world from your home and earn a decent amount of money.
You can ship your own items from your home using the services of Shippo and Etsy’s new shipping system.
There are certain rules that you need to follow while shipping your items.
If you have more than one item, then it is better to send them separately.
The shipping method should be the same as the method you used for the first item.
It is suggested to use the method that is free or cheap.
Items should be packed well and should be in good condition.
If your item is damaged or lost during the shipping, then you will need to pay the return shipping costs.
Shipping your own items is not a difficult task, but there are certain things that you need to keep in mind. If you want to earn more money from the shipping, then you need to follow the given tips. These tips will help you to ship your own items.
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